Mentality Counts!

Greetings, Friends!

Today, I want to discuss a basic truth that could greatly influence our future: “It is an attitude issue, not a capacity issue.” This remark strikes at the core of our mindset regarding opportunities and challenges in life and sends a powerful message.

As someone who has and still battles to progress, I constantly pause to consider how often we face obstacles and setbacks and then quickly accuse ourselves of lacking the requisite resources, abilities, and skills. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that there are things beyond our control that will always prevent us from succeeding. The biggest barriers to growth and achievement are frequently not a lack of skill but rather our attitude and viewpoint.

Subtle but potent factors like our outlook on life, attitude, and mentality influence our reality. What counts is how we choose to react to opportunities, challenges, and issues rather than what we possess or lack. A growth mindset, a resilient spirit, and an optimistic outlook can help us go forward even in the face of difficulties.

It is our default response to difficult situations to give up and say, “I can’t do this”. Or do we take on the work with dedication, fortitude, and a willingness to change and get better? Our attitudes may vary in comparable circumstances when deciding whether to follow a course of pessimism and self-doubt or of conquering challenges and realising our goals.

So, how can we shift from a limited perspective to an empowered one? We are working with young people and communities living in the informal settlements to shift this. The first stage is to become self-aware and willing to challenge our own assumptions and views. We must recognise those circumstances where our attention is drawn to limitations rather than opportunities, impeding our ability to proceed. Let’s embrace challenges as opportunities for development, mistakes as opportunities for progress, and setbacks as opportunities for resilience education.

Recall that altering our narratives requires just as much attention to our identity and public persona as it does to our education and material belongings. Our attitude shapes our behaviour, which finally influences our destiny.

I am going to give you a challenge today: Consider your approach to opportunities and challenges in your life. Do you approach them with a mindset of constraint or empowerment? Do you let your mindset hinder or help you in your pursuit of goals?

Remember that attitude rather than ability can be the problem in certain situations. A learner’s failure could be due to a bad attitude rather than a lack of capacity. Let’s have a resilient, growth-oriented, and positive outlook. Let’s have confidence in God and our own skills, face challenges head-on with courage, and never waver in our resolve or ambitions.

I appreciate you taking the time to read.

Otieno Oguok, PhD

Founder, Brighter Future Foundation

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